Gabourey is starring in the upcoming movie Precious, as an teenager in Harlem who is abused in all ways by her mom (Mo'Nique [I know i was surprised too!]) and is raped and impregnated by her father twice, and one of her children has Down Syndrome. Suffice to say, it's going to be a tearjerker, or what my dad calls an "Oprah moment." (interpret that any way you want)
I first saw this video of Gabourey on Ellen, and as soon as she started dancing, I was in like with her.
She's so funny and nice! I'm seriously very upset that i don't know her. And on Late Night with Conan O'brien, she talked about how she was obsessed with *NSYNC, and I knew we were soul mates.
I haven't seen Precious yet, but I am some time this week because I have to write a review of it for my school newspaper. I already know I am going to fall apart at the movie. I started crying when I was watching the trailer. In my defense, it had been an emotional week. Maybe if the review isn't total poop, I'll post it up here. But you should probably see Precious anyway, just for Gabourey (and also for Mariah Carrey without her makeup. Hopefully, Mariah's preformance will be good, so we can all move on from the Glitter fiasco...)

i give my super-YEAH for this girl. You know what?she can change all negative insights about body image.and i did feel it:friendship crush.big is really sexy because big girl has a very big heart in a big world to live in :)