Oh God, I'm so embarrassed! I've been such a bad blogger! I don't know what I did to deserve such a beautiful sister who's put up with me and hasn't even called me and threatened me if I didn't do a blog post ASAP.
But let's move past that now. What I really came here to talk about is television. It must have been about 2 or 3 years ago that Isabel first introduced me to Never Mind the Buzzcocks. It's a British quiz show, the likes of which are not available in the U.S. There are two teams, and they answer pop culture questions for points. The actually game isn't as important as the witty jokes and smart remarks that are supplied by the team captains and the host. The 4 guests are usually in the music biz or professional comedians. It was love at first site for me (which really annoyed Isabel because I was being a little copy kitten)

I've seen a few episodes with the original host Mark Lamarr, but I really am a Simon Amstell loyalist. I know he's an "annoying twit" blah blah blah but he's HILARIOUS. I think people need a person like him in their lives, one that will say things that aren't necessarily popular, but are for the most part true and always funny. I wish I had a friend like him. I wish he was my friend.
Sadly, Simon has just left the show! And so has Bill Baily!
(middle, right, respectively) The new series started on Thursday (October 1st) and I seriously almost cried. Phill Jupitus must be so lonely. He's the only person who's been on the show since its beginning in 1996!
I'd also like to point out that the team captain taking Bill's place is Noel Fielding of "The Mighty Boosh" fame, and he is 100 times funny on this than on Boosh. Trust me.

In honor of a whole new era in Never Mind the Buzzcocks, and the fact that I love lists, I've decided to share my favorite episodes. (
These aren't really in any order other than which ones came to mind first)1. The first episode I ever saw was with Amy Winehouse, and that one is a GEM. Amy must have been intoxicated, but it makes for a VERY good show. Simon seems especially funny in this one.
watch it)
2. Mark Ronson, who I LOVE, has been on Never Mind the Buzzcocks twice. The first time he was a guest and Simon kept making fun of him for making Amy Winehouse a drug addict. It was funny, but Mark looked annoyed the whole time.(
watch it) However, the second time he was in much better spirits as a guest host! (
watch it!) I recommend them both, but definitely see the second one! He just seems like such a cool cat.
3. Ricky Wilson of the Kaiser Chiefs was a guest host after the release of their first album. This episode is also great because of Ryan Jarman from The Cribs, who claims he invented Live 8! (
watch it)
4. A lot of Americans have been on the show, and I think they do it partly because they know (almost) no one in America will see it. That's my guess as to why DAVID CROSS!!!! was on it, but sure am glad he was! This is a star studded episode with JERMAINE JACKSON!! That man has such an amazing speaking voice. I could listen to him talk all day long. (
watch it)
5. Another great one features Donny Tourette, who is in some band or another (I think it's called Towers of London...something like that.) He basically looks like a major douchebag the whole show, but it's great. (
watch it)
6. Does anyone here watch Skins? Well, Nick Hoult (major cutie) was on Never Mind the Buzzcocks! Nick isn't especially funny in this episode, but it's still a great one! (
watch it)
7. I really like Lily Allen because she's not afraid to say how she feels. I also like her cover of
Womanizer. I don't really know what else to say about this other than it was goood. (
watch it)
8. I'm not the biggest Kate Nash fan, but this is a great episode. Matthew Horne, who I hadn't heard of before, and Martin Freeman of The Office (the original) make this a hilarious one! (
watch it)
9. I used to LOVE Flight of the Conchords, but I haven't actually seen it in a while. Anyways, Kristen Schaal is a guest on this episode, and she's pretty funny. Noel Fielding is a guest captain, and he is absolutely fantastic! There's a great part where him and Simon have what I can only describe as a nonsense fight. It's a must see! (
watch it)
I actually don't have a number 10 because I am dedicated to excellence, not mediocrity.
Best collage ever: