Jamie T. is an musician I have known about for quite some time, but just recently have I really begun to appreciate all his work, as opposed to just a few songs I listen to in passing, you know how it is sometimes. But he's great, and his accent fits perfectly with his music & lyrics. I feel like I could really hang out with him. I can just imagine him coming over and then getting shit faced drunk and banging out tunes on my piano all night long.

The first song I heard by him was a cover of Calm Down Dearest (i love the first few moments of that song) I also really love Sheila, Brand New Bass Guitar, but my absolute favorite is If You Got The Money. Here is a b-e-a-u-tiful accoustic version of it that just makes my heart smile whenever I hear it!

Anyway, he has a new album out called Kings & Queens (it's out today, but i got it bootleg over the internet a few days back) Truthfully, I like his first album a lot more, which isn't to say his new album isn't great. My fav. tracks right now are Jilly Armeen, Spider Webs, and Emily's Heart, but I'm going to have to listen to it more in depth.
Here's a kewl video from his new album
after you "did not forcing" me to do this, all i have to say is i'm happy with the pictures you chose of jayjay!